Safwah Online

Safwah Tours

Welcome to Safwah Tours:



The most famous medieval Islamic Traveller Ibn Batutah is famously quoted as saying:


 ” السفر يجعلك عاجزا عن الكلام … ثمّ يحوّلك إلى راو”


“Travel, it renders you speechless…then turns you into a storyteller”



Sair is the word Quran uses to describe travel. Appearing 27 times with its variations, it often instructs to travel or admonishes for not traveling. Quranic travel far distinguishes itself from the materialistic consumerist populist driven travel of the modern age.


Quranic travel promotes travel to reflect on divine messages, to gain wisdom, for trade and commerce, pure exploration of the resources of the earth, to learn histories of the past, to study, and even for immigration.    


Resources and Means to travel are mentioned as a bounty from the bounties of Allah.



Safwah Tours with its Travel Partners offer tours aims at reviving the Quranic reasons for travel and will be tailor making travel journeys steeped in the tradition of Islamic History and filled with knowledge led by capable individuals.    


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